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29,00 €
Category: Adeptus Titanicus
Art.No.: DEL36


This 96-page hardback book contains:

  • An overview of the Cataclysm of Iron campaign
  • Background and Legion-specific rules for seven Titan Legions: Atarus, Astraman, Ignatum, Venator, Laniaskara, Kulesaetai, Damicium, and Tritonis
  • Two new maniples to use in your games
  • Background and rules for four Knight Houses: Col'Khak, Moritain, Gotrith, and Vextrix
  • Full colour examples of paint schemes and heraldry for Titans and Knights
  • Four narrative missions based on the dramatic events of the story
  • Echoes of Glory rules for creating your own missions across five mission types and three world types

A copy of the Adeptus Titanicus rules is required to use the contents of this book.

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