Generic & Made-To-Order Objective Markers pre-orders are up!
NOW IN STOCK! You can find them under terrain and 2D mousepad terrain menu.
We're announcing a new line of products, wargaming Objective Markers! Made from the same durable neoprene material as our G-Mats, these markers enable for easier and faster play as you can directly see when a unit within 3" from the center is controlling an objective. They can also be slipped partially under terrain with ease, without disrupting the battlefield.
Deliveries start after 15th of June, 2019. Each set contains Objective Markers numbered from 1-6, each of 6" diameter.
Generic Objective Markers
-2 designs to start with, check the pictures and our webstore!
Made-To-Order Objective Markers
-Fantastic option for competitive tournaments and teams!
-Your own design (remember to see file specifications)!
-Minimum orders of 5 sets (5x6 markers)