Following the Age of Strife, with humanity teetering on the brink of annihilation, the Emperor of Mankind unleashed a weapon of unimaginable power. His Space Marines. These mighty warriors, forged in the furnace of war, were marshalled together into the twenty Legions known as the First Founding. In the Era Indomitus, nine of the warrior brotherhoods remain true. Once Legions, now Chapters, they stand defiant as mankind's bulwark against the heretic, the xenos and the daemon.
This art and background book explores the iconic loyalist Chapters of the First Founding in depth, bringing to life their distinct identities, cultures, and doctrines of warfare through more than thirty specially commissioned illustrations, including nine phenomenal double-page artworks. Within its pages you'll find detailed lore, background information, and stunning artwork for:
– Dark Angels
– White Scars
– Space Wolves
– Imperial Fists
– Blood Angels
– Iron Hands
– Ultramarines
– Salamanders
– Raven Guard
Written by Guy Haley, Nick Kyme, John French, David Guymer, and Callum Davis.